- Target:
- Region:
- United States of America
In India, people are divided into 5 groups: The top 4 groups are called ‘Caste Hindus’ and the bottom group is called ‘Untouchables.’ The Caste Hindus believe that all Untouchables are born to be their slaves. As a result, the Untouchables, whose proper name is "Dalits", are constantly subjected to Human Rights violations. India has 920 million Caste Hindus and 250 million Untouchables.
Those victimized by caste discrimination include women and children. For instance,the children of Untouchables are not allowed to touch the children of Caste Hindus; they are not allowed to speak to them or even to look at them. In many schools throughout India, the children of Untouchables must sit outside or in the back of the classroom. These rules are enforced most rigorously in India’s rural areas where 80% of the population live.
We, the undersigned, demand that politicians and business leaders speak-out against the enslavement of the Untouchables of India; we call upon them to work with the government of India to produce an outcome in line with international Human Rights standards.
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The FREEDOM FOR THE UNTOUCHABLES petition to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was written by Paul Guthrie and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.