- Target:
- Government/Facebook
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
This site has been set up to make so called 'jokes' about dead babies. This page, however, makes reference to sexual content with children, rape, racial comments/jabs and allows users to upload pictures of dead babies on its page. There are pictures of dead babies in bins, pictures of children with disabilities running and so called funny comments attached.
The majority of people on facebook do not like this page, yet its numbers continue to grow and facebook still appear to be doing nothing about this. Why? There is no child protection to stop children of any age accessing this pages. My self and others believe that pages and their content should be approved and have strict security to ensure children cannot access this horrific content. It is also a very disrespectful page for women and families who have suffered the loss of a child as this has been reported to facebook previously.
Myself and others would like this page deleted by facebook once and for all and to make facebook pages more secure for it's users.
We, the undersigned, call upon the Prime Minister 'David Cameron' and the British Parliament to take action in deleting this inappropriate page from the social network site 'facebook' and would like ensure that the social network takes appropriate action to ensure that 'pages' are appropriately secure and protect vulnerable children and adults from this type of disgust and internet abuse in the future.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Get 'dead baby jokes' page removed from facebook petition to Government/Facebook was written by catherine oliver and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.