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Each holiday season Sophia my wife and I wanted to do many things to try and share the spirit of the season with needy families, children and abandoned elderly people we know of in our neighbourhood and at many other places. Sometimes we managed doing small things like organizing some old clothes, greeting cards, toys etc to be distributed.
Please sign this petition if you wish to support in doing something for all needy elderly people and kids this christmas. Please contact me about your ideas.
All we may need is old books, clothes toys and even greeting cards. If someone is able to send other stuff, they're more than welcome to. But even ONE gift of love would be amazing.
ANY gift you can find would be greatly appreciated by a child and an elderly woman or man. If you have stuff lying at home in very good condition, you could even send that in!!!
It will be an incredible way to bring a smile to hundreds of little kids and these poor old people
You may send in your gift(s) anytime between now and DECEMBER 15th!
Clement Benjamin
P.O.Box 50006
Dubai, United ARab Emirates
If you have any questions or comments about this, email me at
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Gift A Smile this Christmas - help the disadvantaged petition to ALL was written by Clement Benjamin and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.