- Target:
- Region:
- Marshall Islands
- Website:
- independent.academia.edu
Since more than 30 years, American citizen and US government officials deprive the Marshallese people of competent national tribunals, an unalienable right under the DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, Article 8.
The RMI Supreme Court does not even exist and is presently run by the Assistant Attorney General of Alaska aka illegal chief justice of the non-existing RMI Supreme Court, Daniel N. Cadra somewhere in Alaska. The High Court likewise is not a competent national tribunal and is run by two American citizens as a criminal enterprise.
Litigants in the Marshall Islands are subjugated to illegal dispossessions and seizure, forgeries of official documents, involuntary servitude, and verifiable patterns of deprivations of unalienable rights in courts without rule of procedure and rule of evidence. Marshallese who collaborate with the illegal Americans who posture as judges, are given immunity by them for misconduct in public office and misappropriations of government funds and other felonies.
The security forces are either frustrated or non-existent, and the Office of Attorney General is run on a selective basis. The result of all this anarchy is a non-existing national economy, increasing crimes and abuse of children*, illiteracy, insufficient care in the hospitals**, and increase in contagious diseases. Some Marshallese go hungry, and children work in the production of copra. Because of the anarchy, where a few do as they please, while the others can do nothing to protect themselves, more than 20 percent of the Marshallese people left their country over the last 10 years.
An exhaustive document based on irrefutable evidence is available:
Since years, we attempted to convince the Marshallese government to return the Marshall Islands into the legal framework of the Constitution and institute legal and competent courts. Likewise did we address United States Government Officials who are the superiors of those who pose as illegal judges in the Marshall Islands. Our letters and evidence were either ignored or returned to us to avoid creating files. In December 2012, we petitioned the Government again with evidence of the pattern of Human Rights violations in the non-existing courts. Our petitions were suppressed. On March 8, 2013, President Loeak and some members of the Cabinet pressured the Nitijela into an unconstitutional ratification of illegal “re-appointments” of the existing illegal judges for yet another 10 years. With scant majority, the Nitijela ratified this gross violation of Article VI, Section 1 (4) of the Constitution.
*Because rape and sexual abuse by pedophile sex offenders kept increasing, the Nitijela (Congress) changed the criminal law in 2011. In order to protect the pedophile sex offenders, Nitijela withdrew the existing protection of children up to the age of 16 years, and reduced it downward to the age of under 14 years.
** In 2012, President Christopher Loeak refused to take a stand concerning the chaos in the Majuro Hospital and the misappropriation of funds by stating that he could do nothing since half of the hospital’s employees were either his relatives or his friends.
Having exhausted our legal remedies, but being assured that all victims of human rights abuse are able to look to the Human Rights Counsel as a springboard for action, see: "All victims of human rights abuses should be able to look to the Human Rights Council as a forum and a springboard for action.” - Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, 12 March 2007, Opening of the 4th Human Rights Council Session –
we herewith petition the 47 United Nations Member States that form the Human Rights Council to examine the pattern of human rights violations of Article 8 of the DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS in the illegal courts in the Marshall Islands.
Susanne Kayser-Schillegger, Marshall Islands
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The Institute constitutional and competent courts petition to UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL was written by susanne kayser-schillegger and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.