#Human Rights

فراخوان روز جهانی ندا
دو سال پیش، جهان شاهد کشته شدن و غم انگیزترین مرگ یک انسان بود! زن جوان و بیگناهی که تنها به دنبال حقوق انسانی بود!
ندا آقا سلطان 30 خرداد 88 در جریان اعتراضات مردمی، به تقلب آشکار درانتخابات ریاست جمهوری ایران هدف گلولهء ماموران جمهوری اسلامی قرار گرفت و مردم دنیا را دگرگون ساخت.
ندا آقا سلطان اکنون به عنوان سمبل مردم آزادی خواه ایران و جهان مبدل شده است
به همین مناسبت کاسپین ماکان، فعال حقوق بشر و نامزد ندا ، فراخوانی را به نام " روز جهانی ندا " منتشر کرده که شرح آن به اطلاع
می رسد:

رژیم دیکتاتوری اسلامی ایران بر پایهء دروغ و خون تشکیل شد و بیش از 30 سال است که سردمداران آن به بهانهء اجرای دستورات مذهبی خرد اجتماعی را نادیده گرفته اند و مردم ، بویژه جوانان و زنان را از طبیعی ترین حقوق انسانی محروم کرده و آنان را مورد وقیحانه ترین رفتارهای ضد بشری قرار میدهند.
زندان، شکنجه، تجاوز و قتل هزاران انسان به خاطر ایدئولوژی و دگراندیشی و گورستانهای بی نام و نشان خود مبین این جنایتهاست .

رژیم خودکامه همواره در جهت بقا و حفظ منافع خود از راهکارهای غیر انسانی و ضد بشری گوناگونی استفاده می کند وبرای پنهان کردن فجایع اقدام به سانسور شدید، توقیف رسانه ها، و دستگیری آگاهان جامعه از جمله اساتید، دانشجویان، روزنامه نگاران ، هنرمندان ، وکلا و حتی افرادی از بین خود می کند و به این ترتیب سرزمینی به وسعت ایران را به یک زندان مبدل ساخته است.
اما رهبران رژیم به این هم بسنده نمی کنند و برای پیشبرد اهداف شوم خود فراترمی روند و با همکاری برخی از همپیمانان خود دست به اقدامات تروریستی بین المللی و تحریک آمیز می زنند تا ضمن برهم زدن امنیت درمنطقه بتوانند حاکمیت جهان را طرح ریزی کنند، بنابراین واضح است که مشکل مردم ایران یک مشکل جهانی است که همیاری و همت مردم دنیا را می طلبد.
به طور یقین رهایی ایرانیان از سیطره استبداد کلید آزادی و صلح پایدار برای همه مردم جهان است.

اما از سال گذشته تا کنون در سراسر گیتی همگان نظاره گر سرکوب وحشیانه و ازبین رفتن مردم بی دفاع بودیم و در این میان جان سپردن ندا و نداها باعث شد تا بار دیگر نقاب از چهرهء ننگین رژیم بیافتد.
سکوت ندا اوج صدا و نمونهء روشنی ازقربانیان رستاخیز مردم در برابر ستم جلادان است، ندا با شجاعت و چشمانی گشوده تنها آزادی را طلب میکرد، او مرگ را درآغوش کشید تا رهایی را به انسانها هدیه کند.
لحظهء جان سپردن ندا تولد روشنگری، برای مردم و مرگ حکومت اسلامی بود.

30 خرداد مطابق با 20 ژوئن را " روز جهانی ندا " بنامیم. از این رو ایرانیان و همه ملل آزادی خواه و انسان دوست از هر گروه و نژاد با تکیه بر نیروی اندیشه برای همیشه موجبات سقوط و فرو افتادن رژیم های ضد بشری را فراهم آورند و با اتحاد برای دستیابی به امنیت و برابری انسانها در اعتراض به رهبران حکومتهای مستبد به پا خیزند و این خواست را با امید فریاد بزنند:

پایان دادن به مرگ انسان توسط انسان ... هیچ قتلی ، هیچ اعدامی و هیچ جنگی...

کاسپین ماکان
اردیبهشت ماه ۱۳۸۹

June 20th, International Neda Day

2 years a go, the world witnessed the murder and tragic death of a human being! The victim was a young innocent woman whose only crime was to ask for human rights!

On June 20th, 2009, during a public protest against Iran's fraudulent presidential election, the world was shocked when Neda Agha-Soltan was shot by the Islamic regime agents.

Since then Neda Agha-Soltan has become a symbol of freedom for Iranians and for people around the world.

Therefore, in honor of Neda’s death and in order to draw attention to what her death has come to symbolize, Caspian Makan, a human rights activist and Neda’s fiancé is calling for the establishment of "International Day of Neda”.

The dictatorial Islamic regime in Iran came to power through lies and by spilling people’s blood. For more than 30 years, it’s leaders have deprived the youth and the women of their basic human rights and have resorted to inhumane treatment of the general public under the disguise of religion. Imprisonment, torture, rape, and murder of thousands of people buried at unmarked graves because of their ideologies and beliefs, are all evidence to these crimes.

The authoritarian Islamic regime has always used inhumane methods to ensure its survival and to serve it's own interests. In order to conceal its crimes, this regime uses intense censorship, confines media, and arrests intellectuals such as, professors, students, journalists, artists, lawyers, and even those who work within its system. As a result of these practices Iran, a country with a beautiful rich history, has been transformed into a large prison.

However, the leaders of the regime are not satisfied with all of these crimes and in order to extend their power, they collaborate with other similar regimes to embark on international terrorist attacks and disrupt the security of the region. It has become increasingly apparent that the Islamic regime is hatching a plan for world domination. Yet, the Iranian people’s problems has turned into an international problem that needs the help and support of people everywhere. Certainly, the emancipation of Iranians from despotism is the key to freedom, peace, and stability for all people around the world.

Since last year, the world has watched the cruel suppression and murder of defenseless people in Iran. In the midst of this slaughter, Neda’s death reveals the true face of the Islamic regime and shows how it lacks any respect for human rights and freedoms.

Courageously, and with eyes wide open, Neda stepped forward to demand freedom. The price that she paid was death. Neda’s sacrifice has come to symbolize the sacrifice of all of the victims of the Iranian uprising against their oppressors. Neda bravely asked for freedom and her death was her gift of freedom for people around the world. Not only did the moment when Neda passed away become the moment of birth of enlightenment for people around the word, but it also came to signify the death of the Islamic regime.

Let us call June 20th, "The International Day of Neda". On this day, Iranians and freedom loving people of any race and color will stand united in their desire to abolish inhumane governments. It will be an opportunity for people everywhere to pause and to thoughtfully reflect on the need for security and equality for every human being on the planet. In the memory of Neda, who died so that people could enjoy a better life, this day is a day to rise up and to shout out the following universal demands:

End the killing of human beings by other human beings; let there be no murders, no executions; and finally, let there be no more wars...

Caspian Makan
May 2010

Open Letter to Ban Ki-Moon in Regards to International Neda Day:

21 May 2010 Toronto

Dear Honorable Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

This attached letter is a request to recognize June 20th as International Neda Day, representing the Iranian people’s popular democratic protests and their quest for freedom against dictatorship and the most brutal of violations of human rights.

We thank your Honorable Secretary for his care for human rights everywhere in the world, and we hope and pray for freedom in both our own country and everywhere else where there are victims of atrocious actions and events. We will always strive towards that end and we care dearly – through thought, prayer and action- for such victims no matter where they live.

We are currently campaigning for signatures and support for recognizing June 20th as International Day of Neda. As you know, Neda reach many hearts globally. The campaign will receive great attention from host dignitaries and international media. We invite you to this event and sincerely ask for your recognition of it.

Yours dearly,

Caspian Makan
Neda Agha Soltan’s Fiance,
Writer, Human Rights and Peace Activist
One of the Coordinators for Your Recognition of International Neda Day
21 May 2010 Toronto


Dear Honorable Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

Re: June 20th, 2010, International Day of Neda

As you are aware, last year the world watched in sorrow as a human was murdered! The victim was a young innocent woman who was only asking for human rights! On June 20, 2009, during the public protest against the evident fraud that took place during the presidential election in Iran, Neda Aghasoltan was shot by the Islamic regime’s guards and her death shocked the world. Neda Aghasoltan has become the symbol of freedom for Iranians and for people around the world.

The regime of Islamic dictatorship in Iran was established by lies and by people’s blood. For more than 30 years, its leaders have deprived youth and women of their basic human rights and have practiced inhuman behaviours toward them in the name of religion. Imprisonment, torture, rape, and the murder of thousands of people who are buried in unknown cemeteries due to their ideologies and beliefs, are significant examples of these crimes. The authoritarian Islamic regime has always used different inhuman methods to ensure its survival and maintain its benefits. In order to conceal its crimes, this regime uses intense censorship, confines media, and arrests the intellectuals of the society such as, professors, students, journalists, artists, lawyers, and even those who work within its system. The result of these practices has been to transform Iran, a country with a beautiful rich history into a prison. However, all of these crimes are not sufficient for the leaders of the Islamic regime and in order to extend their power, they have collaborated with other similar regimes to make international terrorist attacks and violate the security of the region. As it becomes increasingly apparent that the Islamic regime is hatching a plan for world sovereignty, the Iranian people’s problem becomes an international problem that needs the help and support of people everywhere. Certainly, the emancipation of Iranians from despotism is the key to freedom, peace, and stability for all people around the world.

Since last year, the world has watched the cruel suppression and murder of defenseless people in Iran. In the midst of this slaughter, Neda’s death reveals the true face of the Islamic regime and shows how it lacks any respect for human rights and freedoms. Courageously, and with eyes wide open, Neda stepped forward to request freedom. The price that she paid was death. Neda’s sacrafice has come to symbolize the sacrifice of all of the victims of the Iranian uprising against their oppressors. Neda bravely requested freedom and she accepted death so that people everywhere could receive emancipation. The moment of Neda’s death was the birth of enlightenment for people and the death of the Islamic regime. Let us call June 20, Internaional Neda Day. On this day, Iranians and freedom-loving people of any race and colour will stand united in their desire to abolish inhumane governments. It will be an opportunity for people everywhere to pause and to thoughtfully reflect on the need for security and equality for every human being on the planet. In the memory of Neda, who died so that people could enjoy a better life, this day is a day to shout these universal aims:

End the killing of human by human ; let there be no murders, no executions; and finally, let there be an end to war...

Yours truly,
Caspian Makan

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The June 20th International Neda's Day petition to UN was written by Caspian Makan and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.