#Arts & Entertainment
Induct the Scorpions into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

German Heavy Metal Rockers have sold over 100 million albums worldwide. They have performed all over the world including Soviet Russia. The songs are always well written and they have received many awards worldwide. A major player in Guitar hero their songs will live on well into the future. Lets Rock them like a Hurricane into the Rock Hall.

German Heavy Metal Rockers have sold over 100 million albums worldwide. They have performed all over the world including Soviet Russia. The songs are always well written and they have received many awards worldwide. A major player in Guitar hero their songs will live on well into the future. Lets Rock them like a Hurricane into the Rock Hall.

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The Lets Rock the Scorpions like a Hurricane into the Rock Hall. petition to Induct the Scorpions into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was written by Scorpions and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

classic rock