- Target:
- U. S. Political Leadership
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- life.freedom2be.org
President Obama,
Please take immediate action to press the Nigerian government to end mistreatment of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people. Speak out openly and strongly against the horribly oppressive anti-gay legislation bill entitled “The Prohibition of Relationships Between Persons of the Same Sex, Celebration of Marriage by Them and for Other Matters Connected Therewith.”
The bill seeks to imprison anyone for:
• membership in a gay group
• attending a gay meeting or protest
• advocating for gay equality
• donating money to a gay organization
• hosting or visiting a gay website
• publication or possession of gay safer sex advice
• renting or selling property to a gay couple
• publishing, selling or loaning a gay book or video
This bill affects not only GLBT people, but the people who love and support them. This bill creates an oppressive environment for everyone. Please take action immediately to stop the oppressive Nigerian Bill, which is a threat to human rights everywhere. If passed this bill would restrict freedoms of GLBT people and defenders of human rights. It would have a devastating effect on the fight against HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. As you said in your Democratic National Convention speech “it is my fundamental belief that I am my brothers keeper.”
Thank you,
Sankofa Way
We, the undersigned, are appalled by the oppressive and cruel treatment this bill will invite. This bill is a threat to human rights of everyone everywhere. This bill will negatively impact the fight against HIV/AIDS.
This bill supports any individual who chooses to torture or be cruel to GLBT people, their family, friends, and allies. This proposed legislation flies in the face of Nigeria’s obligations to the rights, and well-being, of its people. Under international human rights law, the Federal Republic of Nigeria has the obligation to promote and protect the human rights of its population, without distinction of any kind. We ask that you take action to make sure that this bill does not pass.
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The Nigerian Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Oppression petition to U. S. Political Leadership was written by L.I.F.E. Association and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.