- Target:
- United Nations, W.H.O.,European Union, OHCHR, European Parliament,
- Region:
- Website:
- www.ptsd-home.ca
We are an International community of advocates working together to educate and create global healing.
We are committed to being the force behind movement to stop the traumatic cycling of Ptsd, through education awareness and advocacy and we need the world to stand with us.
The enormity of PTSD's pervasiveness Internationally most certainly makes it a Global Crisis that can no longer be ignored.
What is PTSD?
Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) is an Internationally recognized disorder as set out in the DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria published on May 18, 2013 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) serving as a universal authority for psychiatric diagnosis.
The Problem;
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Is an injury not a mental illness, there is nothing set out in the DSM-5 to specify this incredibly significant difference, categorizing it as such without clarifying the difference in order to label it does much more harm than good and only causes most survivors to suffer in silence. Ptsd can not just be lumped into a category with other disorders out of convenience. Ptsd is highly misunderstood, and false information is the primary cause of this International crisis. (PTSD) Is non discriminative and the symptoms of this injury are very real as seen on spect scans there are observable changes to the amygdala hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex these brain changes are the cause of many symptoms reflective of but not related to a mental illness. This is not a pre-existing condition, rather an injury, a dysregulated nervous system, storing of negative cell memory for certain and absolutely a disconnect of mind, body and soul, an injury that given opportunity heals.
With misdiagnosis of ailments with similar symptoms and medicating according to those there is no healing for survivors, rather only maintenance that very often causes adverse drug induced diseases and mental illnesses.
PTSD is in fact a normal human reaction to a markedly abnormal life event that causes incredible pain and suffering. Certainly it is necessary to identify Ptsd and need for criteria set out to do so, however the need for education in respect to what Ptsd truly is can no longer go without being addressed. To heal ptsd the cause and effect must be acknowledged. A survivor should not have to accept a diagnosis knowing the criteria and categorization is incorrect simply out of desperation and lack of alternative.
Survivors should not be left in such pain, left to self medicate and/or treated very often not for their symptoms, rather with dangerous medications that are most always experimental. This sharp rise in experimental prescriptions in addition to the 2 FDA approved drugs shows clear connection to severe and devastating rise in suicide among veterans as well as the astronomical number of survivors living on the streets or incarcerated.
Throughout history PTSD has devastated individuals, families, friends, communities and entire countries. It has been successfully hidden as the "Invisible Wound" as it has been masked by smokescreens via distortion of social and political opinions through circulating of false information stigmatizing and silencing of survivors.
But that alone has not sustained this horrific cycle, the financial benefit in silencing the truth is massive and the profit of maintaining rather than healing this injury is tremendous.
There comes a time when Internationally people must stand together to say enough is enough. Not all wounds are visible but this is only true until you shine light on them.
PTSD is an Injury that was caused by someone or something. It is time to shine light in the right direction. In the case of our warriors Ptsd causes numbing and human disconnect and can be inflicted with intent. This may be beneficial in war but who trains them to come home? The homelessness and suicide rate among service men and women is a disgrace.
Ptsd is most often caused by a human rights violation. This is psychological warfare and the perpetrators of these crimes need to be charged accordingly. Rather than doing so the systems set in place actually allow the criminals to use the symptoms of Ptsd against the survivor.
Survivors should not have to continually battle the stigmas and manipulative tactics that have become common practice. A survivor who is processing trauma response is far from a crazy person and the smokescreens are making healing near impossible in to many cases. By ignoring this fact evil only continues to become more empowered.
PTSD has had many names across time, wars, and countries, smokescreens that cause nothing but misunderstanding and confusion.
These are some labels documented over time periods but not limited to:
The 1800's saw names used such as; Hysteria, Soldiers Heart, Soldiers Irritable Heart, Irritable Heart, DaCosta's Syndrome, Railway Spine, Traumatic Neuroses & Fright Neuroses.
The 1900's saw names such as; Railway Spine, Disorderly Action of the Heart, Neurocirculatory Asthenia, Shell Shock, War Neurosis, War Hysteria, Stress Response Syndrome, Combat Stress Reaction, Concentration Camp Syndrome, War Sailor Syndrome, Rape Trauma Syndrome, Battered Woman Syndrome, Vietnam Veterans Syndrome, Abused Child Syndrome then in 1980, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and inevitably in 1992 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
We are standing together to say Enough with the misleading distracting ever changing labels. It is time to move forward, It is time to say NO to history repeating itself.
We demand immediate re-evaluation be done in respect to the DSM-5 very recently established as it does not benefit the heros who have survived, their loved ones or society. If it did they would be healing not left alone suffering, being experimented on and very often dying.
It is time for mandatory human rights and ptsd education to be required and regulated by an International governing body.
It is time for our children to be educated as to what human rights are and what PTSD is, so the tragedies cycled throughout history do not create another traumatized future simply due to the fact that we did not do something.
Knowledge is healing power. Be Powerful !
The enormity of PTSD's pervasiveness Internationally most certainly makes it a Global Crisis that can no longer be ignored.
The Truth Sets Us Free
Please join us in signing this vital petition, in doing so we stand together Internationally to say...
Speaking the truth is not a crime.
We believe an International governing body is required Immediately to assess the DSM-5 taking into consideration the survivors and their loved ones perspectives. These widely available now with more accuracy than ever before in history as these courageous individuals are speaking out in masses via social media opportunities.
We know there is a desperate need for mandatory Human Rights and PTSD Education for all community, public service providers, corporations and all government organizations as well as educational institutions for children and adults as the vast majority of people living on this earth have no idea what either human rights or Ptsd even are.
This is required in order to begin to stop the cycles and manipulation of Global trauma, create healing and push the human race forward in a positive direction. History can not continue to repeat itself.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Ptsd Support & Global Awareness Campaign petition to United Nations, W.H.O.,European Union, OHCHR, European Parliament, was written by Ptsd Support & Global Awareness Campaign and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.