- Target:
- Prime Minister The Hon. Orette Bruce Golding and cabinet
- Region:
- Jamaica
- Website:
- groups.yahoo.com
Pinnacle is located in Sligoville, St Catherine, Jamaica. It consist of over 500 acres of Land.( Part of which over look Kingston/St Andrew). In the late 1930’s Howell took over ownership/occupancy from previous owner Mr. Albert Chang, who he had to pay in CASH, in order to occupy same.
Howell was financial resourceful and independent. He didn’t use money for personal fulfillment but instead he led a humble life in Pinnacle committed to his race. During the late 1930’s the famous ‘uprising’ took place in St.
Thomas, Jamaica, many ex-slaves, suffered racism, oppressions, inadequate living conditions and hunger. Pinnacle became the safe-haven for thousands of blacks who desired to live and work communally in Unity.
Under Howell’s leadership, Pinnacle was transformed in one of the larger self-reliant/economically empowered communities. Several farmers lived and worked in Pinnacle, producing a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, yams, bananas, cassava, corn, coconuts and many other products. Ganja a culture adapted from East Indians (River Ganges) was grown mainly for spiritual mediation, worshiping and medicine.
The Rastafarian at Pinnacle, built a food storage for what was called, “preparing for the tough days”. Many skilled craftsmen And women, nurses and other professionals shared their faith and lived there under the motto “One God, One Aim and One Destiny“ Between 1941 and 1957, Pinnacle was raided several times.
Each time the authorities would take away cash money banked in the community that added up to thousand of dollars under the claim that it was money earned from selling Ganja. Howell detested the exploitation of the Herb “Ganja” and he was reputed for walking the streets of Kingston, St Andrew, St. Catherine and others parishes giving money to the poor and children.
He didn’t give-in to the harassment, beatings, numerous arrests and incarcerations. He went back to live in Pinnacle upon his release from prison. During the last raid on Pinnacle, the police burned to the ground homes belonging to thousands of Rastafarians. Included in the fire were furnishings, personal items and clothing.
Having no place to live and their leader in Jail, most Rastafarians relocated throughout Kingston, St. Catherine, Clarendon, and St Thomas. That was the beginning of Rastafari dispersion and relocation in groups of churches and mansions.
In the 1970’s a small flock of Rastafarian elders took refuge in Tredegar Park, St. Catherine and continued to support the teachings of Howell until his death in 1981. Until today, the Rastafarian of Pinnacle were never, compensated for their loss of property, homes, lives and humiliation suffered. It is said that Howell had been arrested, incarcerated and was sent to Jamaica Mental Institution over (50) fifty times.
At one meeting, Howell was noted as having said that Mr. Neville N. Ashenheim, a prominent Lawyer of Jewish background, argued for the Bill of Rights in terms of protecting property rights and that property can’t be confiscated without adequate compensation.
“At Emancipation the planter were adequately compensated for Freeing the Slaves, but, I Leonard Howell was never compensated for Pinnacle and the crimes committed against me and the Rastafarian people.”
During the 1980’s Jamaica government sold off most of this land at Pinnacle to foreign and private investors. Pinnacle is now sub-divided and being sold off by “The St Jago Hills Development Ltd” Located at 20 Hope Rd, Kingston Jamaica. WI. - They have got hold of Pinnacle Estates ( First Rastafarian Free Slave Community) St Catherine. Selling/Sub-dividing- the land (over 500 acres) Last Nov. 2006 “The Leonard Howell Foundation” and other personnel (collective) had a meeting with the then Prime Minister to help restore Pinnacle and make it a Rastafari Cultural Center.
In addition - Last June- Howell Earth-day celebration was held in Pinnacle. The developers (Ms. Lois Sherwood and her Brother- directors of St Jago Hills) are now suing “ The Rastafarian - Nation - 1st Order of the Nyahbinghi Theoracy, Leonard Howell Foundation, Ras Lion and Ras Howie for possession of the Pinnacle Site and Land.
The Law Firm of “Nunes, Scholefield, DeLeon and Co” are having a hearing on November 27th 2007 in The Magistrate’s Court in Spanish Town.
I have retained a Rasta/Brother and friend Mr. Everton Bird (Atty at Law) - 21 Church Street. Kingstongn but right now the we are in need a strong- team to go up with the Law firm who represents. the Plaintiff. (St Jago Hills Dev. Ltd) Collectively - I would like to have you contact t4.he Prime Minister’s Office Please call Prime Minister Bruce Golding at 876-927-9941-3 or Fax him at 876-929-0005 with all due urgency.
The snail mail address is:
The Prime Minister of Jamaica
The Hon. Orette Bruce Golding
Jamaica House
Kingston 6
West Indies
The cabinet link is http://www.cabinet.gov.jm
The Cabinet Secretary is:
Dr. The Hon. Carlton Davis OJ, CD
his telephone numbers and faxes are the same as the prime minister. However his email address is..
Please add your voices to correct this colonial injustice in the sunny island of JAMAICA.
The next court date is Tuesday November 27, 2007 at the Spanish Town Court.
One Love, One Aim, One Destiny
We the undersigned, call on the Prime Minister The Hon Bruce Golding and cabinet to rectify the injustices against Rastafari and Pinnacle by swapping crown lands to this developer and returning our ancestors heritage and land to us. A landless people are a people without a future.
1. Please sign this petition and forward to friends and family for their signatures.
2. Please call Prime Minister Bruce golding at Tele #876-927-9941-3 or Fax # 876-929-0005 with all urgency.
3. Write the Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Hon. Bruce Golding, Jamaica House, Kingston 6, Jamaica WI.
4. Email the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. The Hon. Carlton Davis OJ, CD. at caboff-ced@cwjamaica.com and ask the Jamaica Cabinet to return The Pinnacle to the Rastafarians.
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The Restore Pinnacle as a Global Rastafari Cultural Center petition to Prime Minister The Hon. Orette Bruce Golding and cabinet was written by SistaHodesh and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.