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The euthanasia is liable in France 30 year old of prison for assassination. Let us heighten society's awareness of legal Assistance with suicide as accepted for extreme cases.
To avoid the therapeutic prolonging life by technological means to allow those which express the desire expressly of it to obtain a help activates to die by the vote of a law of de-penalization of the euthanasia.
Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, the State of Oregon, Australia, had courage to legislate to make it possible to finish its life in a human and worthy way.
For any being capable of understanding, let us prevent human beings suffering unnecessarily. Let us heighten society's awareness of a legal assistance for compassionate suicide.
No one is safe from suffering one day from an incurable disease or an unbearable handicap and, for this reason, to clearly wish to put an end to life. Many people fear to find themselves one day at the hospital, unconscious or in a despaired state, and then to be connected for one period prolonged with apparatuses which artificially maintain them in life. They fear also the useless operations and the ineffective medicamentous treatments. The spectrum of a medicine mechanized without heart frightens them. Not to be at this dehumanized medicine mercy,
there is a well-tried solution :
a declaration of will to die in dignity, recognized juridically. So that such a declaration be valid, it is necessary, on the one hand, that its text be written by experienced specialists, so that it be deprived of ambiguity and be of a constraining nature. In addition, it is necessary to make respect the Declaration of will, if necessary, against the opposition of others, by legalization.
To avoid the therapeutic eagerness to allow those which express the desire expressly of it to obtain a help activates to die by the vote of a law of de-penalization of the euthanasia.
Vincent Imbert in France asked for the choice of die. His mother “helped” him to shorten her sufferings by managing a lethal product to him. By denouncing the therapeutic eagerness and while protesting against the clandestinity of the practices which lead to medicalized death, the team of reanimation of the hospital of Berck disconnected the respirator artificial and publicly asserted the responsibility for his death. The right not envisaging, in France, the exception of euthanasia, they were continued and judged before a Court of Assizes.
The euthanasia is liable 30 years of imprisonment in France, for assassination. This out of date law, exceeded, must be re-examined and such acts must be dépénalised as in the Netherlands, in Belgium or Switzerland where “the assistance with the assisted suicide” is tolerated. The euthanasia must however be codified and framed to close the door with the drifts of a company in which the marchandisation is moving.
Inventory of fixtures of the assisted suicide:
In Switzerland, each year, some 300 people call upon the support of an association of assistance for the suicide to put an end to their day.
As regards assistance with the suicide, Switzerland makes legal figure of exception in the middle of Europe. Indeed, unlike the Netherlands or of Belgium, the Confederation did not unpenalised the active euthanasia.
On the other hand, in accordance with article 115 of the Penal code, it does not condemn the assistance to the suicide practiced “without egoistic reasons”.
But for that, associations must respect a certain number of criteria. For example capacity of understanding of the patients.
To avoid any unexpected increase, if this condition is met, these associations are authorized to provide to the candidate with the suicide a potion containing sodium pentobarbital, a barbiturate. But to avoid any unexpected increase which would make slip the assistance with the suicide in direct active euthanasia, prohibited in Switzerland, it is imperative that the patient takes itself the lethal beverage. In Switzerland, two associations – Exit and Dignitas – support, each one with its way, the candidates with the suicide.
Exit limits itself to assist people living in Switzerland and presenting physical diseases.
While Dignitas deals with people of all nationalities and agrees to give the fatal potion to patients suffering from psychic diseases. A request on two is refused. Associations affirm to refuse at least 50% of the requests for assistance to the suicide which are addressed to them. Two associations make a preliminary study of the medical file of the people who request their assistance. They generally claim time for consideration. As well as a written request of the patient in addition, they draw up a detailed protocol of the final phase of their intervention. All the documents are given to the authorities of police force after the death of the person.
We, the undersigned, petition for the acceptance of euthanasia throughout Europe.
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The Right to the suicide médicalement assisted petition to ALL , TOUS was written by BASCELLI and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.