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- diosadevida.wordpress.com
Prevention and Intervention of Sexual Violence is needed in the following areas: global youth violence, child abuse and neglect, violence by intimate partners, abuse of the elderly, sexual violence, self-directed violence, and collective violence.
For more wisdom please see: http://www.nsvrc.org/_cms/fileUpload/global_perspectives.pdf
Marital and partnership rape are another category of sexual violence that goes unnoticed, and is often not recognized as being a problem in our global society. It is the most heinous of crimes because of a women's human rights having no presence in the bedroom. There is no equal opportunity in adult age pertaining to sexual violence. In underage children, violations are committed upon either gender, male or female. In adult age, the predominant survivor's of sexual violence are women.
Please view the following fact sheet on sexual violence: http://www.nsvrc.org/_cms/fileUpload/global_perspectives.pdf
With the history of sexual violence, it needs to be advocated that global communities become more aware of its presence in our homes, work, schools, families, religious institutions/organizations. This awareness is vital to the views of sexual violence. It is key to ending the regenerated cycle of sexual violence.
In any environment, we must be ready and in place to be able to deal with the issue when confronted by the issue of sexual violence. No longer can ignorance or denial be an excuse.
Sexual trafficking is a strong component of human trafficking and a violation of human right laws.
As well as authorities keeping evidence locked away, and a woman being swabbed without permission at the scene of a crime/assault. It is her choice. To view more of this problem (video): http://www.hrw.org/en/features/us-testing-justice and Full Text: http://www.hrw.org/en/node/81825/section/2
We, the undersigned, call on ALL Global Communities, UN, United States of American to create community awareness programs about sexual violence of all entities.
We, the undersigned, call on ALL agencies, governments, law enforcements, health professionals, social workers, and more to be retrained and reformed. It is vital that sexual violence be dealt with as an umbrella of its own, despite the current inclusion under domestic violence. It has to be its own entity/umbrella and dealt with accordingly.
For example, a survivor of sexual violence would not be required to see a domestic violence counselor, but a sexual assault counselor in order to get the vital help they need.
We, the undersigned, to change the reference name of someone who has been sexually assaulted from the condescending word of "victim" to "SURVIVOR"; Globally.
We, the undersigned, to ALL Advocates to not advocate that we live in CRISIS, but to empower and to advocate that the SURVIVOR create value in their lives, at the moment they are fleeing. To look at all options in a single moment, and to provide many-not just one option to the SURVIVOR.
We, the undersigned, to ALL Professionals that you change how you talk to SURVIVORS, deal with SURVIVORS, conduct interviews and interrogations when addressing yourselves to a SURVIVOR. By expressing human compassion.
We, the undersigned, to ALL Global Communities, UN, And United States of America, no longer can you swab a women's vagina in order to close a case quickly and then keep it backlogged for over a year. It is a human violation, re-victimizing, and it will happen no more. The woman should be transported to the hospital and then given the choice to be swabbed/or sample's of liquid/semen given to authorities. That choice will not be taken from her.
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The Sexual Violence - A Call To Action petition to ALL was written by Nekesha Bell de Castanon and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.