- Target:
- George Walker Bush
- Region:
- Website:
- www.endevil.com
Nestlé holds about 50% of the world's breast milk substitute market and is being boycotted for continued breaches of the 1981 WHO (World Health Organisation) Code regulating the marketing of breast milk substitutes. Nestlé encourages bottle feeding primarily by either giving away free samples of baby milk to hospitals, or neglecting to collect payments. It has been criticised for misinforming mothers and health workers in promotional literature. Nestlé implies that malnourished mothers, and mothers of twins and premature babies are unable to breastfeed, despite health organisations claims that there is no evidence to support this.
Evidence of direct advertising to mothers has been found in over twenty countries such as South Africa and Thailand. Instructions and health warnings on packaging are often either absent, not prominently displayed or in an inappropriate language. All of these actions directly contravene the Code regulating the marketing of baby milk formulas.
Over 3000 infants die every day from baby bottle disease (WHO), and formula dependant babies create massive economic strain on poor families, contributing to unsustainable land use.
Thanks to this site for the info:
The Nestle company is aborting fetuses without consent, even from the parent. 3000 infants die each day from baby bottle disease, stimlated my the
substitution breast milk Nestle owns. That means 1,095,000 babies die each
Must we let this go on? Save babies. Save lives. Save the world.
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The STOP NESTLE KILLING BABIES! petition to George Walker Bush was written by Elizabeth Huston Herterich and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.