- Target:
- United Nations Comission on Human Rights
- Region:
- Iraq
In accord to UN General Assemblies, two very clear Declarations against RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE were done by them.
They are related to religious freedom. One resolution (adopted by the 36th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 1981-NOV-25)- Declaration On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Intolerance And Of Discrimination Based On Religion Or Belief - and A second resolution (adopted by the 48th session on 1993-DEC-20) also exists - ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE.
United Nations Comission on Human Rights ,
We demand your support and action to Iraq people in Urgent character for the country fulfill the UN resolutions on Religious Intolerance.
The first declaration was a resolution adopted by the 36th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 1981-NOV-25 and the second declaration was adopted by the 48th session on 1993-DEC-20.
Religious minorities must be respected on Iraq and so, Christians, Mandaeans, Yazidis, Jewish and others. Make it work. Iraq is UN member and it has agreed with the Declarations above.
Citizens of the World.
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The Stop Religious persecutions in Iraq! petition to United Nations Comission on Human Rights was written by Global_Citizen and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.