- Target:
- United State of America and United Kingdom
- Region:
- Somaliland
- Website:
- www.state.gov, http
A petition from the pro-democratic movement in Somaliland, comprising independence human rights organizations, operating under national level nongovernmental umbrellas and networks wish to request your support for an issue that is close to the hearts of three and half million persons who live in Somaliland. This is the matter of United Nations membership and recognition for republic of Somaliland.
The Republic of Somaliland is a free and peace-loving state, and its democratically elected government is the only one that represents the interests and wishes of the people of Somaliland.
The nascent democracy in Somaliland needs support against those who hate freedom, democracy and universal human rights. It is time the leaders of United State and United Kingdom as well as other world leaders support and grant international recognition to Republic of Somaliland before the fundamentalist groups linked international terrorists networks such as Al Qaida come to ruin the peace, fragile democracy institutions, human rights culture and stability Somaliland has achieved.
Definitely, that the recognition of Somaliland would enhances the security of the United States of America, United Kingdom, Europe, Asia including Middle East and that of the Africa including Horn of African region. Non-recognition, however, will have disastrous consequences and induce terrorism to thrive and spread beyond the Horn of Africa region and world as well.
We, the undersigned, fully support the growing senior officials of the Bush administration who are backing the independence for Somaliland. In Pentagon and State Department circles in particular.
We believe that Washington and Hargeisa the two capital cities of our two countries can work beyond the longtime US security interests but towards the promotion of international human rights principles and democracy advancement in and among the Muslim world and in African continent.
We also completely welcome the positive step taken by the members of British parliament and their diplomatic support issued by Prime Minister Gordon Brown during early week of this month.
Therefore, we the undersigned, request the US and UK administrations to support the Somaliland's recognitions and to get it’s right to join in United Nations.
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The Support Somaliland International Recognition petition to United State of America and United Kingdom was written by Suleiman and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.