- Target:
- H. Lee Scott - CEO Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.walmartworkerslv.com
We are calling upon CEO H. Lee Scott to stop the vicious anti-union campaign his company uses to stop employees from legally organizing to better their working conditions.
We, the undersigned, want Wal-Mart to abide by American principles of fair play and free elections and allow Wal-Mart employees to have a free, fair and uncoerced election, and for Wal-Mart to live up to its legal obligation to bargain a contract if the employees choose to have the Union represent them. We promote the following:
-A Code of Ethical Conduct for the conduct of any election
-Join with the Union in allowing Las Vegas's faith community to independently monitor compliance with this Code of Ethical Conduct by both the company and the Union. The Union has agreed.
-Open all meetings with employees to members of Las Vegas's faith community. The Union has agreed to open all of its meetings with employees.
-Renounce such inherently coercive tactics as closed-door, "captive audience" meetings, where employees only receive one-sided propaganda, and to set a higher standard for labor relations in retailing by holding a series of joint appearances with Union representatives to guarantee employees full information before they vote.
We, the undersigned, Support Wal-Mart Workers to have the Ability to Organize Freely and promote the workers' best interests.
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The Support Wal-Mart Workers Ability to Organize Freely petition to H. Lee Scott - CEO Wal-Mart Stores Inc. was written by Alan T. Peto and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.