- Target:
- Eritrean Embassy, Eritrean government and Eritrean military leaders
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.cnn.com
Five Europeans who were touring the northern remote region, along with eight Ethiopians, were kidnapped 12 days ago and now some of them are found in the neighboring country- Eritrea. The Europeans worked in the British embassy in Ethiopia and after a threat of diplomatic isolation against Eritrea; the Eritrean government has finally freed the European hostages.
Twelve days after the regional officials indicated that Eritrean soldiers kidnapped and took the hostages to an Eritrean military camp; fortunately, the release of the five Europeans became a successful campaign on March 13 and the hostages were found in Eritrea. But sadly, the eight Ethiopian civilians are STILL being held. It is the duty of everyone to be the voice of the voiceless Ethiopian hostages and help them get free.
Sources of the kidnapping;
As the two countries have already had a devastating war that killed more than 70,000 people between 1998 and 2002, it is extremely important that we avoid another war and demand for the peaceful release of the Ethiopian hostages. Let us not keep quiet as another dangerous war threatens the two nations. We need a peaceful solution for this disaster. Please appeal to the Eritrean government to release the rest of the hostages and free the Ethiopians!
ALL ETHIOPIANS worldwide and those concerned please JOIN the British citizens in Ethiopia who are planning to hold a night vigil on Thursday March 15, 2007 for the release of the Ethiopian hostages.
Also please organize vigil night for the innocent Ethiopians in your neighborhood on Saterday night March 17 and also contact local authorities to pressure for the release of Ethiopians. The life & safety of our Ethiopian brothers and sisters should be treated equal to any European hostages and be freed as soon as possible.
The Unites States has broken its diplomatic relations with Eritrea as a punishment for the Eritrean government’s assistance to terrorist organizations in Southern Somalia. So please contact the Eritrean embassy in OTHER countries or contact your local papers & leaders to plea for innocent hostages’ release and safety.
This petition is not for ANY political party in Ethiopia, in Eritrea or in anywhere. In fact, this petition REJECTS the use of politics on the lives of innocent Ethiopian hostages who were just doing their jobs for the embassy & as tour guides. Politics was AVOIDED for the sake of the European hostages' safety, now we ask for the SAME careful treatment of our people as the innocent Ethiopians are EQUALLY valuable to all Ethiopians around the world. We demand that all sides avoid dangerous politics and avoid risking the safety of innocent Ethiopians.
We, the undersigned, demand that the Eritrean government quickly sets free the eight innocent Ethiopian hostages as soon as possible! As both the Europeans and the Ethiopians were kidnapped together, there is no humane justification for only freeing the European hostages but keeping the Ethiopian hostages!
We ask that all who are concerned to plead for the safety and fast release of the Ethiopian civilians. Please sign this petition and send it to your local newspapers, local town leaders as well as to the Eritrean embassy office and plead for the freedom of the Ethiopians.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Tell Eritrean government to FREE Ethiopian hostages petition to Eritrean Embassy, Eritrean government and Eritrean military leaders was written by haimanot and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.