THE GLOBAL PEOPLE'S MONETARY SYSTEM IS CREATED BY US, THE PEOPLE. Your Autograph signifies your alignment with the new system. BE the Change!

- Target:
- All of Humanity, we are the beneficiaries of Earth
- Region:
- Website:
WELCOME, you have landed at the beginning point for the full freedom and abundance for All of Humanity.
HOW ~ It needs YOUR active participation by saying YES, it's as simple as that!
Within a few short months, UNLIMITED AND COMFORTABLE MONEY CAN BE CREATED BY us, WE THE PEOPLE. At this time, Global numbers ARE SUGGESTING that the MAJORITY of The People ARE READY TO DO THIS. It requires having individual/group autographs all in one place, to make it the REALITY FOR ALL.
We are aware that there are similar proceedings by The People currently and in the past. We desire to bring ALL Groups and Individuals TOGETHER in UNITY. We are providing a space to invite ALL groups and Individuals together as ONE GLOBAL VOICE! This is the first step in Global Action to implement for ALL PEOPLES the simplified plan and instructions of how We the People can and will implement The Global People’s Monetary System.
We RECOGNIZE autographs for Children supporting this as young as 12 years old, and perhaps even younger. This NEW PLAN gives Children a voice, choice, and input for their future they NEVER had before. Freeing them from the old nonsensical limited monetary system that caused lack, misery, poverty, sickness, death, and worse.
We RECOGNIZE autographs for Children supporting this as young as 12 years old, and perhaps even younger. This NEW PLAN gives Children a voice, choice, and input for their future they NEVER had before. Freeing them from the old nonsensical limited monetary system that caused lack, misery, poverty, sickness, death, and worse.
THE GLOBAL PEOPLE'S MONETARY SYSTEM is the REVERSE of what is currently operating. Currently, 1% controls the monetary system leaving the 99% to comply with a debt system. With the agreement of the People, this can be integrated upon the planet within months, no more waiting for governments or someone else to do it!!!
The time is upon us to SHIFT, WE ALL TOGETHER MUST ACT NOW!
2020 was the year for Clear Vision and 2021 is the year of CHANGE. No WAITING for government or elected officials to continue their increasing debt agenda for the 99%.
With 20% of Humanity registering their autograph, IS ENOUGH to advance things very quickly.
The Steps to FREEDOM:
1) Let the People know they have a choice - Share the Plan.
2) Go to the Petition page and Autograph
3) SHIFT Consciousness
4) Live FREE and Sovereign as God intended.
BE the Change!
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The Global Peoples Monetary System
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Divine Plan for New Earth
In the beginning, there was no physical monetary system, We the People were the Money!
The time has come for Humanity to establish what is rightfully ours. This plan transitions Humanity from Debt to Comfort and beyond with unlimited Abundance. This plan is an outline for the new reality that of which we have not experienced. This plan will replace that of which we have been experiencing, it is not a restructuring of what we already have. We the People have the Power to Shift and Create with unlimited abilities as we are the Spark of the Divine.
In order to enact this Divine plan, a new law is not required. We the People have the authority to implement the new system. With the majority consent of the Global People who are acting in capacity for the greater good of Humanity, the Divine plan can be implemented with grace and ease.
The Divine plan does not differentiate between race nor beliefs, this is an all-inclusive plan.
1. A Divine Monetary System created by the People is already available via Quantum technology.
It is unlimited as God intended. The Divine Monetary System is open-ended and only a transitional system. Once the other items have been instituted there will be a return to Human Society an advanced system towards the non-requirement for physical money or an exchange system. The electronic and digital distribution system for funds is already in place worldwide.
We the People are the owners of this technology and we just need to exercise that right. All industry is owned together by the People and individual ownership becomes nonsensical and noncompatible with the DIVINE SYSTEM. Everything is in place to fully support and operate this system NOW, ONLY REQUIRING THE SUPPORT OF THE GLOBAL PEOPLE. Governments, politicians, past oligarchs CANNOT prevent this, for they represent less than 1% of the global population. They can assist, share, and join, or be separated by their own choice.
2. Immediate funding to all People to set up their living needs. The initial amount would be approximately $10,000 US dollars (US Dollars is being used only for illustration as this will be a new monetary system created by the People and will be unlimited by design). A monthly amount of approximately $5,000 would be implemented thereafter during the transition. Once the full extent of the unlimited Monetary is implemented the monthly amount is illuminated and the unlimited access to resources will take its place. Note: basic needs will be FREE upon further transition i.e., housing, food, clothing, medical, etc. THIS IS A TEMPORARY AMOUNT to
assure immediate comfort, as the system rapidly evolves further into full prosperity, and to Create a directive control towards the rapid advancement for Humanity. This eliminates the fear and anxiety created by a lack of monetary resources. The monthly income is conditional to a certain number of hours or value exchanged to the community on a monthly, as little as 10 hours a
month i.e., as a simplicity figure to demonstrate the ability and potential, as the workforce becomes more reorganized (because of the quantum technology) workers are repositioned in society to essential positions in line with the rapid global advancement. People will be given a choice to do their heart's work to contribute to their local community and then the world at large.
3. Large sums of money will be distributed for humanitarian projects to begin the transformation to wholeness; opportunity zones and geographic areas that are considered in poverty, better education, rebuilding infrastructure, addressing medical deficiencies, lack of housing, healthy food distribution, etc.
4. Forgiveness of all current Debt: credit cards, taxes, loans, mortgages, notes, etc. None of these financial debts will exist in the new monetary system because the old system of accounting will be dissolved. People will have access to unlimited resources so profit, loss, or gain no longer have any purpose.
5. Energy and Utilities are free; phone, electricity/gas, fuel, communications, etc.
6. Personal choice for Health care, medical services, and/or supplies are free.
7. Release of all suppressed technology and funding for all Health care, Medical, and natural medical alternative options.
8. Administrators of funds Globally will be set up with simple programs to distribute funds quickly upon rollout of the New System and to distribute card access for All upon the surface.
9. Return to God's Law. Only cases that involve harm to another will be addressed. i.e., because access to funds is unlimited all monetary crimes will be non-existent.
10. Land ownership: Anyone that currently owns real estate will continue to be in possession of the land, buildings, etc. All Native and Indigenous lands will be protected by and for those that have been occupying the land. All property currently under government-protected land will be transferred to the People as a whole under the same or more stringent protection; this is to include but not exclusive of nature preserves, parks, national parks, sanctuaries, wildlife preserves both land and water, etc. All government land or water masses that are not included in the natural lands and water as listed above will be returned to the People i.e., government buildings, natural resources – water, electricity, gas, etc. The balance of the land will no longer have boundaries.
People will be able to (re)locate to geographical locations that once were prohibited due to cost. This will no longer be an issue because of free energy technology and access to unlimited funds. No invasion or intrusion, there will be a natural migration. People will be able to have their own land to be self-sufficient and not hoarding the land.
11. Travel is free.
12. Release and funding for suppressed technology for all sectors of creation.
We have the Power and always have! I invite you to choose to join the Divine Plan and establish our beautiful new World together. Permission to distribute in all forms and media with no restriction other than no alteration of the
You can do your part in shifting our livelihood into Unity by sharing this with everyone you know…and do not know!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The THE GLOBAL PEOPLE'S MONETARY SYSTEM IS CREATED BY US, THE PEOPLE. Your Autograph signifies your alignment with the new system. BE the Change! petition to All of Humanity, we are the beneficiaries of Earth was written by We-The People and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.