- Target:
- The House of Represenatives and Senate of Australia
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- www.ozeukes.com
This petition is in responce to the recent events surrounding the rights and libierties of teh Ukrainian people and their right to fair, open and transparent elections.
This petition seeks to call on teh Australian Givernment to join the international community in supporting the right of Ukraininans to democracy choose their President and for the conduct of elections to be Honest, open and transparent.
In doing so demonstrate to the world Austrlia's leadership in democratic development by reinforcing its relationship with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people;
The Austraolian Givernment should also take such steps as necessary to deny Australian entry visa's to person(s) who attempt or have been found to have been guilty of falsify the results, or interfering with the democratic rights associated with the conduct and the outcome of the 2004 Ukrainian Presidential Election.
To the President and Senators and the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives assembled in the Australian Parliament:
The petition of certain citizens and residents of Australia draw attention of the Parliament to the Ukrainian Presidential elections.
Your petitioners therefore pray that the Senate and the House of Representatives call on the Australian Government to:
Send a delegation of official monitors on behalf of Australia;
Appoint a high-profile Australian with experience in international affairs to head the delegation;
Allocate funding to assist the travel of Australians to Ukraine to act as international observers of the Ukrainian Presidential election to be held on December 26, 2004.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Ukrainian Presidential Elections petition to The House of Represenatives and Senate of Australia was written by AU_UA and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.